Install djongo


pip install djongo



Create your project dir


mkdir chillzeeTest



Go to your project directory and set up django project.


cd chillzeeTest

django-admin startproject ChillzeeTestSite


Five Minutes Technology - Using MongoDB with Django framework via Djongo


Edit and update database settings.



    'default': {

        'ENGINE': 'djongo',

        'NAME': 'chillzeeproject',




Five Minutes Technology - Using MongoDB with Django framework via Djongo


Run the following command to apply database changes to your django project


python migrate



Visit to make sure that your django project is up and running


Go to MongoDB and see if the database has been created by django.


show dbs


Five Minutes Technology - Using MongoDB with Django framework via Djongo


In our example, django has created the chillzeeproject database.

We will now see the collections to make sure that every thing went fine.


use chillzeeproject

show collections


Five Minutes Technology - Using MongoDB with Django framework via Djongo


Now you can update your file to work on your new mongoDB database, just as you would do with any other database like postgres or mysql.

So that’s it friends! As you could see connecting MongoDB to django has become much simpler now.

Long live open source community!