Talent Management – How to retain talent in your organization?
Brain-Grain Approach to foster Employee Value Proposition (EVP) in an Organization
Today, the role of the Manager is more important than it has ever been. One of the reasons is because Managers are the driving force for sustaining talent in their organizations. As the recession has recovered and options are more plentiful, employees know, especially talented employees know that they have choices.
So what does a talent focused manager really do? Well, we want to make this as easy as possible for you. We want to make it not something heavy that gets laid on your shoulders on top of everything else you have to deliver.
On the first day of elementary school the teacher usually asks to paint a picture depicting ‘Happy’ ‘Sad’ and ‘Scared’ toon. Apparently, this will help the teacher to measure the students’ emotional quotient based on his/her selection. This infact helps the teacher to communicate to the student in a better way based on his/her mental state of mind.
Likewise, this Brain-Grain (BG) approach provides a fruition of thought where the psychological acumen is used to retain and nourish the existing talents. As Managers, we should avoid negotiating with the employees during the ‘Exit interview’ instead follow proactive rather reactive mode of action.
Before we jump in, let’s first have the Wiki definition to Employee Value Proposition (EVP) –
EVP is the balance of the rewards and benefits that are received by employees in return for their performance at the workplace.
Can rewards and benefits alone sustain an employee from initiating an Exit?
Learning Objective 1:
Adding salt and pepper to the Employee Value Proposition through the Brain-Grain approach.
Learning Objective 2:
Successor planning - Delivery Manager and above to provide a successor in their appraisal cycles. The primary focus is to identifying employees within an organization who can fill key positions in the future.
Learning Objective 3:
Key factors which catapults the churn rate and how it can be minimized.
Is Talent Management the responsibility of HR department? How Brain-Grain approach towards Employee Value Proposition (EVP) can be used to create a psychological acumen within the employees?
I wholly believe that retaining the talent is dependent on the employees’ Manager and he does it all the time. It is never over. You never can say, “I’ve done my focus on talent. I’m putting it on the shelf. I’m done.” This is one thing that is never done.
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